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Ominously, Sunriders' aptly titled third release III opens with a spoken word verse by local legend Frank Fish. That first minute is the perfect build up for the twenty minutes of in your face stonerrock barrage that is to come. III is a concept album based on the same mountain the band visited with their first full length Fuzz Mountain. On III, the mystical mountain needs to defend itself from an assault by an evil wizard by calling forth its ultimate trump card, the fire titans. In opening song 'Call of the Mountain', the band showcases their greatest strengths: raw but melodic vocals that both have a gut punching effect with mean ass guitar riffs and solo's. Accompanied by some great vocal harmonies and a thundering rhythm section, this band delivers. The follow up 'Exodus of the Fire Titans' shows the band's love for seventies rock and blues with a great vocal line and some smooth riffs to accomplish a different but altogether fitting vibe for the next chapter in their story. Nine minute closer 'Supercell Thunderstorm' sees the band returning to the climax of the story with a vengeance. Luckily the band gave us time to recover from the first wave of assault because this is a banger for sure.

Since the release of Fuzz Mountain, the band played numerous national shows and has been on an European tour, supported by their Italian label. Not wanting to wait too long with a follow up, the decision was made for an EP not leaving the fans lacking for new material. The band looks forward to playing these new songs live, giving them the perfect chance to let their audience know that the story about Fuzz Mountain has a much wanted new chapter.

For fans of: Clutch, Red Fang, Orange Goblin, Truckfighters